Brussels, 13 October – European farmers stress the essential role of biodiesel for agriculture and transport decarbonisation post-2020

The European Oilseed Alliance, the European Biodiesel Board and the Vegetable Oil and Protein meal Industry held yesterday a dinner-debate in the European Parliament during which panellists from all backgrounds discussed the role of sustainable biodiesel in the low-carbon economy post-2020. The event allowed EU stakeholders and policy-makers to share Californian experiences through the participation of Stephen Kaffka from the University of California.

The European Oilseed Alliance, the European Biodiesel Board and the Vegetable Oil and Protein meal Industry held yesterday a dinner-debate in the European Parliament during which panellists from all backgrounds discussed the role of sustainable biodiesel in the low-carbon economy post-2020. The event allowed EU stakeholders and policy-makers to share Californian experiences through the participation of Stephen Kaffka from the University of California.

European farmers stress the essential role of biodiesel for agriculture and transport decarbonisation post-2020

Le Copa et la Cogeca mettent en garde contre les projets de la Commission visant à éliminer progressivement les biocarburants conventionnels après 2020 et soulignent leur caractère essentiel pour l'approvisionnement en aliments pour animaux et la décarbonisation du secteur des transports